While climate change rose to the top of many governments’ agendas and consumers attitudes have evolved, adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is becoming a worldwide trend.

Addressing such challenges, MTE came up with different solutions along e-mobility testing for customers such as utilities, meter manufacturers and meter service providers.

eMOB I-32.3 AC

The new eMOB I-32.3 AC test adapter enables in combination with the PWS 2.3 genX portable working standard a comprehensive on-site test of AC charging stations for electric vehicles

eMOB I-200.1 DC

The new eMOB I-200.1 DC test adapter enables in combination with the PWS 3.3 genX Portable Working Standard a comprehensive on-site test of DC charging stations for electric vehicles.


PWS 2.3 genX

The PWS 2.3 genX Portable Working Standard is a three-phase portable electronic meter test unit of accuracy class 0.1, used for testing single and three-phase electricity meters on site. The PWS 2.3 genX allows checking of all meter installation parameters and associated circuits.

PWS 3.3 genX

The PWS 3.3 genX is a combination of a Portable Working Standard of class 0.05 % and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 4 voltage (U1, U2, U3, UN, UPE) and 4 current channels (direct: I1, I2, I3 and via clamp-on CT: IN / IPE Neutral current / Protection Earth current).

The modular concept of the PWS 3.3 genX allows the extension of the direct current measurement range from 12A up to 120A and the addition of a battery pack keeps the device running in the event of interruptions in the supply voltage.